Patricia Lanter, MD, MS
Emergency Medicine Physician, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Dr. Patricia Lanter is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center where she is an active educator/mentor and researcher. In her early career, she focused on education and the development of the DHMC Emergency Medicine Residency. More recently Dr. Lanter has turned her focus toward research and improvement, utilizing her Masters. While she was co-Director for the National College Health Improvement Project, their first project was a Learning Collaborative on High-Risk drinking on college campuses. The project addressed alcohol use disorder (AUD) as a public health problem utilizing improvement methodology and policy work. The member colleges began implementing evidence-based practices in a public health manner and saw improvement. As that project ended, Dr. Lanter turned back to the ED and population health work. The opioid crisis has significantly impacted New Hampshire, as such she is working with a larger DHMC team and the Northeast Node of the Clinical Trials network on the approach to patients with SUD. Dr. Lanter is spearheading an ED initiative on the initiation of MAT in patients with SUD and was just awarded a site PI to evaluate XR-buprenorphine as a part of MAT. As Dr. Lanter reflects on her career, she recognizes her true passion is improving systems and care, especially for the underserved.